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Sea Level Rise and Flood Resiliency

Description: Our staff compiled this plan as the first SFWMD initiative to create a comprehensive list of priority projects with the goal of increasing community resiliency to flooding and sea level rise impacts throughout South Florida. It includes an evaluation of the status of flood control infrastructure and advances adaptation strategies necessary to continue providing primary flood protection for South Florida under current and future climate conditions and sea-level rise scenarios. It was completed in coordination with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, other State and Federal Agencies, and local governments.


Announcement: As of August 28th, 2023, FEMA issued 2 grants to SFWMD totaling $99.49 million. Links to the announcements can be found here and here.

Client: South Florida Water Management District

Date Start/Complete: May 2021/August 2021

SFWMD Resliency Plan 2021
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