HUD Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery, Environmental Consulting Services
Description: St. Johns County entered into an agreement with Florida Departments of Economic Opportunity to administer Disaster Recovery funds granted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Community Development Block Grants. Earthology provided NEPA-required environmental reviews, wetland assessments and mapping, wetland jurisdictional line delineations, mitigation plans and designs, and site evaluations.
For this Site Specific Environmental Assessment and Reports project, Earthology performed NEPA assessments for 30 residential sites damaged by Hurricane Matthew using various environmental and regulatory databases, site specific surveys and lab analysis to document compliance (as per 24 CFR Part 58.2(a)(1)). We assessed mitigation for impacts to wetlands, floodplains, wildlife, and cultural resources. We assessed effects from noise, explosive and flammable operations, and hazardous sites. We performed GIS data analysis and detailed mapping for each site.
Client: St. Johns County
Date Start/Complete: 2019/2021