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  • Writer's pictureAlyssa Cavanaugh

Earthology helps acquire $44M from FDEP’s Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection, Resilient Florida Program

Dave Colangelo of Earthology Consulting Services was important in securing three awards from FDEP’s Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection, Resilient Florida Program.

Here is a summary of the three awards:


South Florida Water Management District S169W Structure Improvements, has been awarded in the amount of $6,050,000 from the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Statewide Flooding and Sea Level Rise Resilience Plan. This project includes construction of a new, four gate, control building with backup generator concrete box culvert structure, just Southeast of the confluence of the C-20 and C-21 Canals. It also includes a manatee protection barrier that will prevent manatees from entering the structure. The barrier also operates as a trash rake to remove debris from the upstream side of the structure.


South Florida Water Management District C-8 Basin Resilience, has been awarded in the amount of $28,100,000 from the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Statewide Flooding and Sea Level Rise Resilience Plan. The C-8 Basin Resiliency Project aims to reduce flooding and SLR risks to water resources basin wide. The project will increase the C-8 Basin flood protection level of service by enhancing existing infrastructure and increasing discharge capacity with the installation of a forward pump and surge barrier. In addition, the project will integrate nature-based features with the construction of a temporary detention area on the Miami Shores Golf Course with vegetated berms and living shoreline along the C-8 Canal. The project will reduce overall flooding risks to critical assets, protect water supply sources and increase quality of life within the C-8 Basin. This phase of the project includes constructing a pump station building that can house additional pumps to eventually increase the capacity from 500 to 1500 cubic feet per second which would restore the original design level of service to this basin.


South Florida Water Management District Homestead Field Station Improvements, has been awarded in the amount of $10,934,265 from the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Statewide Flooding and Sea Level Rise Resilience Plan. The project includes hardening and enhancement of buildings at the Homestead Field Station that no longer meet the capacity and functional needs of the District. The Homestead Field Station is a Regionally Significant Asset. The new enhanced buildings will ensure that the Homestead Area of Operations will be served by a more efficient facility that meets the capacity and functional needs of the District.


We thank Dave for his hard work in securing funds for improving environmental resiliency within the state of Florida!

The S-28 structure.

Dave Colangelo presenting at the Resiliency Forum in May.

Conceptual plan for the C-8 project.

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